I Am Here

 From: mothandme.tumbler.com
I Am Here
In the clouds whispering through the sky
In the subtle wind in the field of brightly colored lilies
In the budding blossoms of the trees
In every distinct rain drop from heaven
In the smile of a hungry child
In the face of the abandoned vet
In the eyes of the abused mother
In the quietness of the night
In the chaos of the day
In the tender rhythm of your heart
In the midst of your dreams
I am the author of your desires
I am that still small voice
The authority to which all shall bow
I am with you when you are frightened
I am your comfort in time of sorrow
Capturing each precious tear
I am here
When you slide the needle in our arm
I am woeful from your pain
I am here
I am here when you feel regret
When you embrace the high
I am here when your breathing becomes shallow
When you want to give up
In your deepest despair
In the depths of hell
At your lowest low
I Am that still small voice
Pleading, contending for you
I am here- cry out to me
To take you from the enemy’s grip
I am here to love you through this darkness
To give you strength
To offer you peace
To remove your fear and to erase your insecurities
I am here to release you from your past
To give you splendor for devastation
To give you a new beginning
I am here
I always have been
I will never leave you
I am as close as your breath
Call out to me

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